
Fish is transported widely in ships, and by land and air, and much fish is traded internationally. It is traded live, fresh, frozen, cured, and canned. Therefore, losses related to temperature abuse and reefer failure are the two most common.On fishing vessles, the fish are refrigerated mechanically by circulating cold air or by packing the fish in boxes with ice. Forage fish, which are often caught in large numbers, are usually chilled with regrigerated or chilled seawater. Once chilled or frozen, the fish need further cooling to maintain the low temperatures. There are key issues with fish cold store design and management, such as how large and energy efficient they are, and the way they are insulated and palletized.

J.V. Watts & Co. has  plenty of experience in handling recoveries against steamship lines, truckers, and warehouses. The catch records, mate's receipts, and refrigerated machinery certificates should all be carefully reviewed when presenting a claim to the liable parties.