

Meat, be if beef, pork, chicken, lamb, or veal, is some of the most highest value and sensitive cargo shipped in refrigerated containers today, and is shipped either frozen or chilled. It is essential to maintain the cold chain during cargo handling as this is the only way to maintain the storage life and quality of the meat.

J.V. Watts' approach is to carefully review each claim in order accurately establish the carrier's negligence in cases of temperature abuse. Temperature records, booking confirmations, trucker's work orders must reviewed for discrepancies, as many losses are often due to the carrier's failing to follow the shipper's instructions. Vent settings, airflow return temps, and load diagrams must also be analyzed, which can demonstrate at what point in the cold chain the meat was exposed to elevated temperatures, thus comprimising the load.  We have years of industry experience and knowledge in quantifying and recovering for these types of losses.