



J.V. Watts & Co know that both first time beer drinkers and cicerones can tell when their beer "gone off," "tastes skunked" or is a "rotten brew." Unsuspecting consignees can find themselves with a shipment of bad beer, with the only evidence sometimes being a loss of business, aggravated customers, and a possibly upset stomach. Not every shipper puts a temperature recorder inside their containers, which makes it difficult at times to pinpoint where in the chain the beer went bad. However, J.V. Watts can assist in recoveries against both liable carriers and unscrupulous shippers.

Beer has two natural enemies - heat and light. It goes without saying that most beers are very sensitive to temperature. Each time the temperature rises, the beer oxidizes. Most beers are damaged before they even reach the store, being shipped, stored, or delivered with little regard to the temperature of the beer. This presents great difficulties in locating the liable parties.

J.V Watts can assist in these chemically complicated and scientifically complex recoveries, to determine who spoiled the brew.